Theses and dissertations

List of defended dissertations

First and last name : BACHOUCHE Samir
Subject : Modeling of hydrodynamics and water and sediment quality of the Algeriers coast.
Thesis Director : Prof. BACHARI-HOUMA Fouzia
Defense on February 7th,2017
First & last name : BOUFERSAOUI Samira
Subject : Biology and stock assessment of three Sparidae from Algeria's central region: Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1826).
Thesis director : Professor HARCHOUCHE Kamel (USTHB)
Defense date : May 15th,2016
First & last name : BOUDA Abderrahmane
Subject : Development of a GIS specific to the pollution of the Algerian coast generated by ships.
Thesis director : Professeur BACHARI Nour El Islam (USTHB)
Defense date : May 17th,2016
List of defended Magistrates (executive decree n°98-254 of August 17, 1998)

First & Last name : DEHANE Djema
Subject : Radioelements and the history of contamination in the sediments of the central Algerian coasts.
Field : Environment of the hydrosphere
Thesis director : Dr. NOUREDDINE A.
Thesis co-director : Professor BOULAHDID Mostefa
Defense date: February 2nd, 2017
First & last name : DAOUDI Mohamed
Subject : The family of Congridae (Osteichthyens, Anguilliformes) in the Algerian basin: Systematics, Ecology and Exploitation of Conger conger.
Field : Ecosystems Approach of Fisheries
Thesis director : Professor HEMIDA Farid
Defense date : January 31th, 2016
First & last name: SAHRAOUI Hamza
Subject : Behavior, growth and harvesting of Torpedo marmorata (Chondrichthyes, Torpedinidae) in the Algerian basin
Field : Ecosystems Approach of Fisheries
Thesis director : Professeur HEMIDA Farid
Defense date : January 31th, 2017
First & last name : BEHLOULI Feyrouz
Subject : Hydrocarbon optimization and validation analysis within a sedimentary matrix
Field : Marine Coastal Environment Monitoring and Management
Thesis director : Dr. CHERNAÏ HAMDI Safia
Thesis co-director : Professor HAMDI Boualem
Defense date : December 14th, 2016
First & last name: FERHANI Khadra
Subject : Auxis rochei (Osteichthyens, Scombridae) study in the Algerian basin: Biology and exploitation by multispecific - multifleet and bio-economic simulation.
Field : Ecosystems Approach of Fisheries
Thesis director : Professor CHAKOUR Said Chawki (University of Jijel)
Defense date : December 11th, 2016
First & last name : BOUKHENNAF Abdelouahab
Subject : Establishment of a digital oceanographic database integrated into a GIS. Application to the wilaya of Boumerdes.
Field : The environment of the Hydrosphere
Thesis Director : Professor BELKESSA Rabah
Defense date : November 3rd, 2016
First & last name : BENHALIMA Moustafa
Subject : Contribution to the study of biogeochemical nutrient salts cycling in the Algerian basin (SOMBA2014 data).
Field : Environnement de l’hydrosphère
Thesis director : Professor BOULAHDID Mostefa
Thesis Co-director : Professor LOUANCHI Férial
Defense date : October 16th, 2016
First & last name : DAHMANI Abd El Alim
Subject : Monitoring and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters by coupling physical and digital models: Application to the monitoring of coastal areas of the central Algerian basin.
Field : Marine and Coastal Environment Management and monitoring
Thesis director : Professor HOUMA BACHARI Fouzia
Thesis co-director : Mme BOUDOUMA Z. (LEM – Algeirs)
Defense date : October 15th, 2016
First & last name : GHIBOUB Abdelhamid
Subject : Trace metal elements in the sediments of the Algerian coastline.
Field : Marine and Coastal Environment Management and monitoring
Thesis director : Professor Boulahdid
Defense date : October 12th, 2015
First & last name : BOUKORTT Redouane
Subject : Methods of investigating the impacts on the marine environment.
Field : Marine and Coastal Environment Management and monitoring
Thesis director : Professor Semroud Rachid
Defense date : January 22nd, 2015
First & last name : KHALFANI Dalila
Subject : Hydro-sedimentary study of the foreshore of Cape Djinet (wilaya of Boumerdes)
Field : Geo-hazards and Coastal Development
Thesis director : Professor Boutiba Makhlouf
Defense date : December 24th, 2014
First & last name : MADANI Laalia Nawel
Subject : Contribution of the valorization of the polluted sediments. Sediments dredging.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Hamdi Boualem
Defense date : December 23th, 2014
First & last name : TARMOUL Fateh
Subject : Assessment of the marine environment quality in El Djamila bay.
Field : Management and Monitoring of the Marine and Coastal Environment
Thesis director : Professor Houma-Bachari Fouzia
Defense date : December 25th, 2014
First & last name : HAOUAM Sara
Subject : Liquid and solid flows of Algerian rivers and their impact on the marine and coastal environment (Isser and Mazafran watersheds).
Field : Geo-hazards and Coastal Development.
Thesis director : Professor Belkessa Rabah
Defense date : December 22nd, 2014
First & last name : FERNANE Lounes
Subject : Mapping of gravity hazards on the submarine continental boarder of the Algiers-Dellys region of Algiers.
Field : Geo-hazards and Coastal Planning
Thesis director : Professeur Matougui R.
Defense date : December 22nd, 2014
First & last name : KADDOUR Saïd
Sujet : Contribution to the understanding of abrupt sea level rises: case of the Bay of Algiers.
Filière : Geo-hazards and Coastal Planning
Directeur de thèse : Dr. Hemdane Yacine
Date de soutenance : December 22nd, 2014
First & last name : CHERIET Walid
Subject : Remote sensing contribution to the implementation of the observation system of the Algerian basin – SOMBA
Field : Geo-hazards and Coastal Planning
Thesis director : Dr. Guerfi Mokhtar
Defense date : December 21st, 2014
First & last name : HALAILI Younes
Subject : Bio-monitoring of Algiers coastal area’s marine environment.
Field : Management and oversight of the marine and coastal environment.
Thesis director : Professor Houma-Bachari Fouzia
Defense date : December 21st, 2014
First & last name : CHACHA Djillali
Subject : Design of an elevation continuous land-sea model for the establishment of a GIS database on the coast multidimensional – the case of the coast of Algeria.
Field : Geo-hazards and Coastal Planning.
Thesis director : Dr. Guerfi Mokhtar
Defense date : December 20th, 2014
First & last name : OTMANI Housseyn
Subject : Impact of maritime infrastructure on the coast: Case of Cap Djinet ports.
Field : Management and oversight of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Professor Belkessa Rabah
Defense date : December 18th, 2014
First & last name : MAZOUZI Sakina
Subject : Characterization of benthic biocenoses of the Algerian coasts, evolution and monitoring.
Field : Management and oversight of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Professor Rebzani-Zahaf Chafika (USTHB)
Defense date : December 18th, 2014
First & last name : BOULEKRAOUET Souhila
Subject : Contribution à l’étude de la croissance journalière et écologie alimentaire des juvéniles du merlu (Merluccius merluccius, L. 1758) de la baie de Jijel.
Field : Océanologie – Climatologie
Thesis director : Dr. Kacher Mohamed
Defense date : December 17th, 2014
Nom et prénom : MENDIL Hamza Mohamed
Sujet : Structure, dynamique et exploitation de quelques populations de Dentex maroccanus dans le bassin algérien.
Filière : Evaluation systémique des ressources halieutiques
Directeur de thèse : Professeur Hemida Farid
Date de soutenance : 16 décembre 2014
Nom et prénom : MEGHOUCHE Mohamed Amine
Sujet : Le gros yeux Pagellus bogaraveo (Brünnich, 1768) de la région algéroise et du Cap Djinet : les peuplements associés, la croissance et l’exploitation.
Filière : Evaluation systémique des ressources halieutiques
Directeur de thèse : Professeur Harchouche Kamel
Date de soutenance : 16 décembre 2014
First & last name : KHELOUI Hana
Subject : Ecology, growth and exploitation of a symbolic of the Triglidae, the tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucernus (Linnaeus, 1758) of the Algerian coast.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Professor Harchouche Kamel
Defense date : December 16th, 2014
First & last name : KERRAGUEL Mahdia
Subject : Assessment of the anthropogenic carbon infiltration in the Mediterranean: Evaluation of methods and their uncertainties.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Louanchi Férial
Defense date : December 11th, 2014
Subject : Acidification and oxygenation analysis of the Algerian coast. Summer 2014 .
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Louanchi Férial
Defense date : December 11th, 2014
First & last name : AMIRAT Lydia
Subject : Algerian coast’s climate variability assessment: impact of sea surface temperatures in the Algerian basin.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Louanchi Férial
Defense date : July 2nd, 2014
First & last name : AIT OUFEROUKH Lydia
Subject : Deoxygenation and eutrophication studies in the Mediterranean Sea waters: inter-annual to decadal analysis
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Louanchi Férial
Defense date : June 29th, 2014
First & last name : DAMIR Naouel
Subject : The taxonomy of the genus Dipturus (Chondrichthyens, Rajidae), biology and exploitation of D. oxyrinchus in the Algerian basin.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Professeur Hemida Farid
Defense date : June 26th, 2014
First & last name : KHERCHOUCHE Aldjia
Subject : Settlement of jellyfish of the Algerian coast: Biodiversity, composition and interaction with pelagic trophic chain components.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Dr. Hafferssas Aziz
Defense date : June 26th, 2014
First & last name : FILALI Tahar
Subject : Contribution to the study of the behaviour, growth and exploitation of Squalus blainvillei (Chondrychthyens, Squalidae) in the Algerian basin.
Field: Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Professor Hemida Farid
Defense date : June 25th, 2014
First & last name : BOUKEDJOUTA Rachid
Subject : Sustainable management of a fishery resource and bioeconomic modelling: the case of the mud mullet (Mullus barbatus, Linnaeus, 1758) in Jijel region.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Dr Chakour S.C.
Defense date : December 24th, 2013
First & last name: ZEGHLOUL Toufik
Subject : Study of the ecology, biology and exploitation of the Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Dr Bouaziz Ahmed
Defense date : June 30th, 2013
First & last name : CHEBEL Fateh
Subject : Study of the population dynamics of Tilapia zillii (Gervan, 1828) in the wild.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Dr. Zouakh Djamel Eddine
Defense date : June 29th, 2013
First & last name : LEHTIHET Houda
Subject : Extraction of chitin-based biopolymer from shrimp by-products. Application to the fixation of heavy metals in water.
Field : Oceanology – climatology
Thesis director : Professeur Hamdi Boualem
Defense date : June 22nd, 2013
Nom et prénom : BENALLAOUA Siham
Subject : Monitoring of the physico-chemical of Beni Messous domestic wastewater treatment plant effluents. Treatment and complementary by photoanalysis.
Field : Oceanology – climatology
Thesis director : Dr. Chernaï-Hamdi Safia
Defense date : June 22nd, 2013
First & last name : REZEQUI Walid
Subject : Study of natural and artificial radioactivity distribution and mineralogy in the sediment core of Bou-Ismaïl Bay.
Field : Management and oversight of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Professor Boulahdid Mostefa
Defense date : May 16th, 2013
First & last name : OUBOUCHOU Rabéa
Subject : Environmental parameters and growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck (1819) in extensive breeding at the Orca Marine farm of Aïn Chorb (Surcouf), wilaya of Algiers.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Directeur de thèse : Dr. Rebzani-Zahaf Chafika
Defense date : November 19th, 2012
First & last name : BOUFERSAOUI Samira
Subject : Contribution to the study of the sparid Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1816)
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director : Professor Harchouche Kamel
Defense date : October 21st, 2012
First & last name : HANDJAR Houria
Subject : Contribution to the systematics of Scorpaenidae (Osteichthyes, Scorpaeniformes) and the behavior of a representative of the genus Scorpaena in the Algerian basin.
Field : Systemic assessment of fisheries resources
Thesis director: Dr. Hemida Farid
Defense date : October 14th, 2012
First & last name : TAIEB-ERRAHMANI Djamel
Subject : Radioactivity fixation and deposition in the environment's compartments, air, soil, and marine environment in the Algiers region.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Noureddine A.
Defense date : October 11th, 2012
First & last name : BOUGHRIRA Abdelhak
Subject : Organic pollution spatiotemporal modeling in Bou-Ismaïl Bay.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Houma-Bachari Fouzia
Defense date : June 13th, 2012
First & last name : KADA Mohamed
Subject :Bacterial antibiotic resistance sensing in the marine environment, influence of anthropogenic inputs.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment.
Thesis director : Professor Bakour Rabah
Defense date : June 11th, 2012
First & last name : ABDERRAHMANI Khaled
Subject : Polyaromatic hydrocarbons in Bou-Ismaïl Bay: monitoring and assessing contamination as a function of depth.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Professor Boulahdid Mostefa
Defense date : December 10th, 2011
First & last name : INAL Ahmed
Subject : Trace metals in the sediments of Bou-Ismaïl bay: pollution monitoring and geochemical processes analysis.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Professeur Boulahdid Mostefa
Defense date : December 10th, 2011
First & last name : KASSAR Abderrahmane
Subject : Monitoring of chlorophyll and phytoplankton in the Algiers coastal areas: contribution of satellite measurements to the modeling.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Houma-Bachari Fouzia
Defense date : December 10th, 2011
First & last name : TEBBAL Amina
Subject : Chemical characterization of benthic algae of the Kouali region (Tipaza).
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology
Thesis director : Dr. Chernaï-Hamdi Safia
Defense date : November 12th, 2011
First & last name : HAMMADOUCHE Selma
Subject :Development and optimization of a method drug residues (Ibuprofen) analysis in water.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Boussahel Rochdi
Defense date : October 4th, 2011
First & last name : LADOUL Sara
Subject : Use of the common two-banded seabream (Diplodus vulgaris, Geoffroy St Hilaire, 1817) as a bio-indicator in the Algiers region.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Hemida Farid
Defense date : July 17th, 2011
First & last name : AL SID CHIKH Safa
Subject : Study beach of Palm Beach (Azur) protection against erosion, use of numerical and physical modelling.
Field : Management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment
Thesis director : Dr. Belkessa Rabah
Defense date : July 14th, 2011
First & last name : BOUDEFOUA Nassima
Subject : Contribution to the variations in phenolic compound content analysis in the marine Magnoliophyte Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology.
Thesis director : Professor Semroud Rachid
Defense date : January 12th, 2011
First & last name : BABALI Nadhéra
Subject : Contribution to the study of the carbon in the Algerian basin.
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology.
Thesis director : Dr. Louanchi Ferial
Defense date : October 3rd, 2010
First & last name : BENSALEM
Subject : Removal of lead from water through adsorption on fossil diatoms.
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology.
Thesis director : Dr. Chernaï-Hamdi Safia
Defense date : September 30th, 2010
First & last name : LAHMER Nahla
Subject : Heavy metals Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd on the surface of a sediment-like matrix behavior analysis.
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology
Thesis director : Professor Hamdi Boualem
Defense date : July 20th, 2010
First and last name : BELHOUCHET Nassima
Subject : Contribution to Amonia elimination in the fishfarming sector
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology
Thesis director : Professor Hamdi Boualem
Defense date : July 14th, 2010
First & last name : SAAD Arezki
Subject : Contributions of multispectral indices for sea and ground state monitoring.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Bachari Nour El Islam
Defense date : 4 juillet 2010
First & last name : BACHOUCHE Samir
Subject : Algiers and Bou-Haroun ports: Investigation of granulometric, biological and pollution parameters in sediments and water prior to a dredging operation.
Field : Marine pollution and ecotoxicology
Thesis director : Dr. Belkessa Rabah
Defense date : Mars 16th, 2010
First & last name : BOUDJAKDJI Meriem
Subject : Carbon biogeochimical cycle assessment in the Algero-provincial bassin.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Dr. Louanchi Ferial
Defense date : Mars 8th, 2008
First & last name : ATHMANI Houria
Subject : Geochemistry and heavy metal pollution in the Mediterranean Sea's deep sediments.
Field : Environment and Coastal Ecosystems.
Thesis director : Professor Boulahdid Mostefa
Defense date : February 3rd, 2008
First & last name : SOUMANI Karima
Subject : Development and optimization of a solid phase extraction method for pesticides present in water.
Field : Environment and Coastal Ecosystems.
Thesis director : Dr. Boussahel Rochdi
Defense date : September 25th, 2007
First & last name : MAAFRI Firdous
Subject : Antibiotic and heavy metal resistance in enterobacteria isolated from the port of Bejaia.
Field : Environment and Coastal Ecosystems
Thesis director : Professor Benalloua S.
Defense date : Februrary 22nd, 2007
First & last name : LOURGUIOUI Hichem
Subject : Aquaculture potential of the Boukerdane dam (wilaya of Tipaza).
Field : Environment and Coastal Ecosystems
Thesis director : Professeur Boulahdid Mostefa et M. Refes Wahid
Defense date : September 25th, 2006
First & last name : NACEF Lamri
Subject : The study of the spatiotemporal variations of fluxes at the Mediterranean's air-sea interface. Climate forecasting applications .
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Dr. Louanchi Ferial
Defense date : September 6th, 2006
First & last name : CHIKHAR Kamel
Subject : Physics' role in a digital prediction model.
Field : Oceanology – Climatology
Thesis director : Professor Adane Abdelhamind et Hamadache Bachir
Defense date : May 11th, 2006