Production scientifique

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Année 2022
- Albdour S. A., Haddad, Z., Sharaf O. Z., Alazzam A., Abu-Nada E, (2022). Micro/nano-encapsulated phase-change materials (ePCMs) for solar photothermal absorption and storage: Fundamentals, recent advances, and future directions. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 93, 101037.
- Aissaoui Y. I., Mokhbi-Soukane D., Mezouar K., Soukane S., (2022). Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Onshore Fish Farming on the Western Coast of Algeria. Aquaculture Studies, 23(4).
- Akrour, S., Grimes, S., (2022). Is the Ecological Footprint Enough Science for Algerian Fisheries Management ?. Sustainability, 14(3), 1418.
- Aoudj C., Guerfi M., Mezouar K., (2022). Evolution of Shoreline Kinematics at the Bejaia Bay (East Algeria) from 1989 to 2017. In: Recent Research on Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marine Geosciences and Geochemistry. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
- Bachouche, S., Ghribi, T., Rouidi, S., Etsouri, M., Belkacem, Y., Selmani, R., Djellali M., Grimes, S. (2022). The First Recorded Occurrences and the Distribution of Physalia physalis (Hydrozoa: Physaliidae) in Algerian Waters. Ocean Science Journal, 57(3), 411-419.
- Bencheikh, Z., Refes, W., Brito, P.M. et al. (2022). Chemical pollution impairs the health of fish species and fishery activities along the Algeria coastline, Mediterranean Sea. Environ Monit Assess 194, 497.
- Boucetta R., Haddad Z., Zamoum M., Kessal M., Arıcı M., (2022). Numerical investigation of wax deposition features in a pipeline under laminar flow conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 217, 110929.
- Bouamza S., Sengouga A., GASMI D., MISRAOUI A., PERGENT G., SEMROUD R., (2022). Patterns of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile tannin cells and leaf characteristics according to environmental conditions. Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(4), 879-889.
- Harid R., Demarcq H., Keraghel M. A., Ait-Kaci M., Zerrouki M., Houma F., (2022). Spatio-temporal variability of a chlorophyll-a based biomass index and influence of coastal sources of enrichment in the Algerian Basin. Continental Shelf Research, 232, 104629.
- Hussain S., Jamal M., Haddad, Z., Arıcı, M., (2022). Numerical modeling of magnetohydrodynamic thermosolutal free convection of power law fluids in a staggered porous enclosure. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53, 102395.
- Lachachene F., Haddad Z., Arıcı M., Abu-Nada E., Sheremet M. A., (2022). The effect of nano encapsulated phase change materials and nanoparticles on turbulent heat transport: A conical diffuser scenario. Journal of Energy Storage, 52, 104703. rights and content
- Lachachene F., Haddad Z., Abu-Nada E., Sheremet M. A., (2022). Natural convection melting of phase change material in corrugated porous cavities. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53, 102734.
Année 2021
- Ailane F., Kassar A., Hemida F., (2021). Growth and mortality of Serranus cabrilla (Linnaeus, 1758)(Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Serranidae) from Bou Ismail Bay, off Algeria, south-western Mediterranean. Indian J. Fish, 68(2), 1-7. DOI: 10.21077/ijf.2021.68.2.100525-01
- Aulicino G., Cesarano C., Zerrouki M., Ruiz S., Budillon G., Cotroneo, Y., (2021). On the use of ABACUS high resolution glider observations for the assessment of phytoplankton ocean biomass from CMEMS model products. Ecological Modelling, 455, 109619.
- Chabet Dis C., Refes W., Varo I., Hontoria F., Amat F., Navarro J. C., (2021). Quality evaluation of Artemia cysts from three Algerian populations. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 46(4), 464-472.
- Dahmani Abdel alim, Mezouar Khoudir, Salem Cherif Yousra, Sallaye Miloud, 2021. Coastal processes and nearshore hydrodynamics under high contrast wave exposure, Bateau-cassé and Stamboul coasts, Algiers Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 250 : 107169.
- Henda-Benrekaa A., Moulaï R., (2021). First data on cetacean strandings and in situ observations along the algerian coast. Zoology and Ecology, 31:1.
- Dilmi A., Refes W., Meknachi A., (2021). Effects of C/N Ratio on Water Quality, Growth Performance, Digestive Enzyme Activity and Antioxidant Status of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Biofloc Based Culture System. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 22(1).
- Fellah Houda, Maouel Djamila, Hemida Farid, (2021). Population dynamics of Parapenaeus longirostris (Decapoda: Penaeidae) (Lucas, 1846), in Central Algerian waters (South-Western of Mediterranean Sea). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 20(5) : 1426-1441.
Année 2020
- Aoudj Cherif, Mezouar Khoudir, Guerfi Mokhtar, SALLAYE Miloud, Salem Cherif Yousra, Dahmani Abd El Alim, Boukhennaf Abdlouhad, 2020. Évolution spatio-temporelle du trait de côte du littoral centre Algérien : cas de la baie de Zemmouri. XVI èmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil. DOI:10.5150/jngcgc.2020.019
- Benzouaï Siham, Louanchi Ferial, Youcef Smara, 2020. Phytoplankton phenology in algerian continental shelf and slope waters using remotely sensed data. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. : 247, 107070.
- Keraghel M. A., Louanchi F., Zerrouki M., Kaci, M. A., Aït-Ameur N., Labaste M., Legoff H., Thaillandier V., Harid R., Mortier, L., (2020). Carbonate system properties and anthropogenic carbon inventory in the Algerian Basin during SOMBA cruise (2014): Acidification estimate. Marine Chemistry, 221, 103783.
- Otmani H., Belkessa R, Bengoufa S., Boukhediche, W., Djerrai, N., Abbad, K., 2020. Assessment of shoreline dynamics on the Eastern Coast of Algiers (Algeria): a spatiotemporal analysis using in situ measurements and geospatial tools. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13 : 124. DOI:
- Rahmani A., Kacher M., Iguer-Ouada M., (2020). Oocytes number and surface area as microsopic and quantative parameters to evaluate reproductive activity in Engraulis encrasicolus L.(Clupeiformes: Engraulidae). Cah. Biol. Mar. 61 : 271-277. DOI: 10.21411/CBM.A.76D1DEA6
- Silhadi M. A., Refes W., Mazouzi S., (2020). Assessment of coastal ecosystems vulnerability to pollution: Algiers coast, Algeria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(34), 42670-42684.
Année 2019
- Atoui S., Djerrou Z., Boughrira A., Kada M., (2019). Bioaccumulation of cadmium and lead in the muscle tissue of Mullus barbatus in Skikda and Jijel Bays Eastern Algeria. International Letters of Natural Sciences, 74. 10.18052/
- Capapé C., Kassar A., Reynaud C., Hemida F., (2019). Atypical characteristics in blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the Algerian coast (southern Mediterranean Sea). Thalassia salentina, 41, 23-32. DOI: 10.1285/i15910725v41p23
- Chernai S., Djahnit N., Catania V., Hamdi B., China B., Cappello S., Quatrini, P., (2019). Isolation, characterization and determination of biotechnological potential of oil‐degrading bacteria from Algerian centre coast. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 126(3), 780-795.
- Mezouar Khoudir, Ciortan Romeo, (2019). Coastal Processes and Longshore Sediment Transport along Zemmouri Bay, Central East Coast of Algeria. "Ovidius" University Annals Constantza. Series Civil Engineering; Constanta Vol. 21, N° 21, (2019): 7-15. DOI:10.2478/ouacsce-2019-0001
- Salem Cherif Y., Mezouar, K., Guerfi M., Sallaye M., Dahmani A.E.A., (2019). Nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes along the sandy coast of Boumerdes, Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12, 1-17.
- Otmani H., Belkessa R., Rabehi W., Guerfi M., Boukhdiche W., (2019). Dégradation des dunes côtières algéroises entre pression de l’urbanisation et conséquences sur l’évolution de la ligne de rivage. Geo-Eco-Marina, 25/2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3609777
- Ould-Ahmed N., Garreta A. G., Siguan M. A. R., (2019). Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae from Algeria, part II: Ulvophyceae. In Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid, Vol. 76, 2, 087.
Année 2018
- Babali N., Kacher M., Belhabib D., Louanchi F., Pauly D., 2018. Recreational fisheries economics between illusion and reality: The case of Algeria. Algeria. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201602.
- Boufersaoui S., Kassar A., Mokrane Z., Elleboode R., Mahe K., (2018). Age and growth of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Sparidae), in the central coast of Algeria, Mediterranean sea. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 48(4), 319-328. DOI: 10.3750/AIEP/02485
- Maouel Djamila, Bedrani Slimane, Aoudjit Cherif, 2018. Economic Performance of Sardinary Fishing Units in Algiers Coastline. Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography 1 : 102.
Année 2017
- Forchino A. A., Lourguioui H., Brigolin D., Pastres R., (2017). Aquaponics and sustainability: The comparison of two different aquaponic techniques using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Aquacultural Engineering, Vol. 77 : 80-88.
- Lourguioui H., Brigolin D., Boulahdid M., Pastres R., (2017). A perspective for reducing environmental impacts of mussel culture in Algeria. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. 22 : 1266–1277.
- Stamouli C., Akel E. K., Azzurro E., Bakiu R., Bas A. A., Bitar G., ... & Zenetos A., (2017). New Mediterranean biodiversity records (December 2017). Mediterranean Marine Science, 18(3), 534-556.
Année 2015
- Boufersaoui S., HarcHoucHe K., (2015). Dynamique de la reproduction et fécondité de Pagellus acarne (Sparidae) de la région Centre du littoral algérien. Cybium, 39(1), 59-69.
- Brigolin D., Lourguioui H., Taji M.A., Venier C., Mangin A., Pastres R., (2015). Space allocation for coastal aquaculture in North Africa: Data constraints, industry requirements and conservation issues. Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 116 : 89-97.
- Igoud S., Souahi F., Chitour C.E., Amrouche L., Moussaoui A., Boumrar H., Chekir N., Chouikh A., (2015). Efficiency evaluation of solar photolysis and solar photocatalysis processes used for the waste water disinfection. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53 (8) 2049-2058.
- Mokrane Z., Laribi, H., Touahria N., Boufersaoui S., Zerouali F., (2015). Diet in relation to the tract structure and the chitinolytic activity in Scorpaena notata (Rafinesque, 1810) at the Algerian coast. Cah. Biol. Mar, 56, 245-252.
- Igoud S., Souahi F., Chitour C.E., Amrouche L., Lamaa C., Chekir N., Chouikh A., (2015). Wastewater disinfection using ultraviolet (UVA, UVC) and solar radiation. Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 56 : 10, 2646-2652.
Année 2014
- Maouel Dj., Maynou F, Bedran S., (2014). Bioeconomic Analysis of Small Pelagic Fishery in Central Algeria. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14: 1-2.
Année 2013
- Ould-Ahmed N., Garreta A. G., Siguan M. A. R., Bouguedoura N., (2013). Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae from Algeria. I. Phaeophyceae. In Anales del jardín botánico de Madrid, Vol. 70, 2, 136-143. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2349
Année 2012
- Alouache S., Kada M., Messai Y., Estepa V., Torres C., Bakour, R., (2012). Antibiotic resistance and extended-spectrum β-lactamases in isolated bacteria from seawater of Algiers beaches (Algeria). Microbes and environments, 27(1), 80-86.
Année 2010
- Ould-Ahmed N., Meinesz A., (2007). First record of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) on the coast of Algeria. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 28(3), 303-305.
Année 2007
- Ould-Ahmed N., Meinesz A., (2007). First record of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) on the coast of Algeria. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 28(3), 303-305.